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more about me !!

aaaaa !!! hihi, i'm kyurin !! this is my all about me page, where i basically talk about all the things i enjoy, who i am, what i do, you know, all the good stuff !!! this can also serve as kind of a diary for me, lol.

love ward miku

personal updates

23-10-23 ♥ this is my first entry here. i'm not used to having a diary, at least one that's fairly private. unfortunately, my parents get nosy at times and tend to go through my things. to be honest, this isn't very different, as literally anyone with acess to the internet can see this. but then again, i am fairly anonomyous. sorry if anything is mispelt, i literally cannot spell for the life of me. beleive me, my texts are worse than this.

i'll probably make an archive for past updates, lol. this will just be like the "most recent" one. these scroll boxes are pretty cute ! i'll probably try to customize the scroll bar in the future, so it matches with the rest of my website. so far, it's been really fun programming this. it's kind of like an escape. it's nice. that's all, see you soon ♥

things i'm into

if you can't tell, i'm really into vocaloid. i really love vocaloid, but i'm also into other things, too !! i'm big on indie horror games (and like any horror media !!), video games, classic books, ect ect. i'm into graphic design, but you can't really see that in this website, lol. anyways, i also really love the theatre ! i LOVE acting !!

more about me !!

hi, i'm kyruin ! i'm, as per previous statement, a novice programmer. i'm big in theatre, art, and lyric writing !! my favorite colors are green and pink, and my favorite drink would have to be cherry coke. i'm also an advid video essay listener (listening to one right now ! ^_^) and u-quiz taker. i'm not sure what else to put in here right now, but i'm sure i'll come up with it soon !

no idea what to put here yet but i'll come up w smth eventually lmao.